Speech at the Opening Ceremony of Beijing Model United Nations Conference 2013

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Speech at the Opening Ceremony of
Beijing Model United Nations Conference 2013
Liu Hua   Deputy Director-General of UNA-China
3 May 2013   China Foreign Affairs University
Honorable Vice President Prof. Zheng,
Honorable Director-General Mr. Qin Gang,
Madam Dong Xia,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon!
It is a great pleasure for me to attend the opening ceremony of Beijing Model United Nations Conference 2013. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the United Nations Association of China, to congratulate China Foreign Affairs University, on the successful convening of the conference.
Over the past 68 years, the United Nations, as the most universal, representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization, has made important contributions to the world in maintaining peace and security, promoting economic growth, and protecting and promoting human rights. When we gather here today to simulate the UN , the world is undergoing a profound transformation and transition with rising tides of economic globalization, multi-polarity and cultural diversity. It is a world of multiple crises of food, fuel, flue and finance. These crises are compounded by other greater challenges, such as climate change, proliferation of deadly weapons and the plight of the two billion people living in poverty. Therefore, it is also a world of inequality, insecurity and intolerance. In face up to the new problems and challenges of today, the UN, without any doubt, will continue to play a bigger role and assume greater responsibilities
China has always been a strong supporter of the UN and has actively participated in its work, making great contributions to the achievement of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Today, The UN has become a major stage for China’s multilateral diplomacy, and China will continue to play its role as a responsible power in efforts to build a more peaceful, prosperous and democratic world. We believe that the two sides will work together towards a closer and stronger partnership.
Model United Nations provides a precious opportunity for the young people to communicate, to argue, to debate, and offers an excellent platform to cultivate the abilities of communication, consultation, cooperation and compromise.
With the theme of “The World that Stands as One”, Beijing Model United Nations Conference of this year sets up 5 committees, covering the three pillars of the UN. In the next few days, you will have the chance to exchange opinions and come up with new, creative and future-oriented suggestions for the global problems and challenges. I believe what you learn here will surely benefit what you will do in the future. Today, you may be only an imitator or a thinker. Tomorrow you will be the doer, the actor, and even the leader. Therefore, it is my sincere hope that you seize the opportunity this conference offers you and participate fully in this experience.
As an advocator of Model United Nations activities in China, the United Nations Association of China has witnessed the development of Beijing Model United Nations Conference since 2003 and will continue to support and promote the development of Model United Nations activities across China in the future.
Last but not least, I wish Beijing Model United Nations Conference 2013 a great success. Thank you.


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