Promote Sustainable Development, experience sharing among Asian countries

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The Second Conference of the CICA Non-Governmental Froum
Promote Sustainable Development, experience sharing among Asian countries

June 28, 2017 Beijing
Zhang Dan

Vice-President and Director-General the United Nations Association of China

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

The second topic for discussion this afternoon is on experience sharing on implementing  of SDGs among Asian countries.  

From the start in 1945, one of the main priorities of the United Nations was to “achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character ” . However, the global understanding of development has changed over the years, and countries now have agreed that sustainable development, which integrates economic, social and environmental aspects, offers the best path forward for improving the lives of people everywhere.

The UN’s new post-2015 sustainable development agenda was launched at the Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015. The 2030 Agenda continues the vital work of the Millennium Development Goals, but also reflects the emphasis on universality, integration and on leaving no one behind. The Sustainable Development Goals and targets, are interlinked and indivisible, so progress in one goal will only be made with simultaneous progress in other goals.

The ownership and universality, together with the integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals, make the 2030 Agenda a transformative road map for the twenty-first century.

In the last two years since the adoption of SDGs, UN have held several High-Level Meetings, on “Building Sustainable Peace for All, on “Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Agenda”,on “SDG Financing Lab, and on Ocean sustainability, etc.

The Asian countries are aware of the importance of this integrated and holistic nature and are shaping their priorities, strategic plans and programmes accordingly. Links between sustainable development efforts and progress in the realms of humanitarian affairs and peace and security are also noted.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In order to successfully achieve sustainable development for all, we are going to need strategic partnerships that will deliver strong results. The importance of mobilizing resources from public, private, national, and international sources, as well as of ensuring that policy environments are favorable to the mobilization of resources can never be overemphasized. Capacity-building and technical assistance are also indispensable and key to developing countries, particularly those in special situation.

We must look beyond traditional means of implementation, towards new and innovative ways of partnering to ensure Asian countries’ sustainable development needs are met. Indeed, strategic and innovative partnerships are essential to driving smart, innovative and integrated action to achieve all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. For this purpose, we must bring together key stakeholders, including governments at all levels, the UN, international financial institutions, civil society, the private sector, academic and scientific communities, tech leaders and innovators, philanthropic institutions, and grassroots organizations.

Today, in this room, we have a unique gathering of representatives from Governments, the private sector, academics, and civil society.

I believe that all of us here today can contribute to the implementation of our collective development goals. In the same way that we emphasise leaving no one behind in the achievement of the Agenda, I believe the collective effort of all stakeholders will be critical in addressing our greatest challenges. It is only through working together that we will be able to fully face and deal with the complexities of today’s development challenges which more often than not transcend borders in both their impacts and their solutions.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Experience sharing can benefit all countries. We can exam how resilient infrastructure can benefit from the synergies that grow from public-private initiatives. How affordable and wide-covering healthcare system and quality education provide people in poverty with opportunities of better and decent employment. How gender equality and empowerment of women benefit not only women an girls, but also family and the whole society.

For this session, we are going to hear from 6 panelists.

The first panelist will be Mme. Chen Ying, Research Fellow of the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies, CASS China.

The second speaker is Huang Meibo, Professor, School of Economics, Xiamen University

The third panelist is Mr. Bader Malallah, Director General, Arab Planning Institute of Kuwait.

The fourth speaker is Mr. Jae-Ho Hwang, Dean  of Division of International Stidies, Hunkuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea

The fifth Speaker is Mr. Syed Hujjatullah Zia, Sinior Writer, Outlook Afghanistan Daily Newspaper, Afghanistan

This final speaker is Mr. Sun Jingying, research fellow, Institute of world Economy and Politics, China Academy of Social Science(CASS), China

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a very enlightening session since we just heard six speakers with diverse and informative presentation. They all share their views, ideas, and experiences and good practices. I am sure all the participants benefit from their contibutions. Following these presentation, we have 15 minutes free discussion. Participant can voices their views and comment, or raise questions to the panelists.

I hope participants can continue this communication and experience sharing after the session and with that, I would like to thank all the panelists for your wonderful imputs and contributions, and all participants for your contribution and comments.

This session is closed.

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