Welcoming Remarks by Ambassabor Lu Shumin, President of the UNA-China, at the Luncheon in Honor of the UNSG

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Welcoming Remarks by Ambassabor Lu Shumin, President of the UNA-China, at the Luncheon in Honor of the UNSG
(June 20, 2013, Beijing Hotel)
Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon.
It is a great honor and pleasure for me to have you here today. On behalf of the UNA-China, I would like to welcome you all to the Luncheon in honor of Mr. Secretary-General.
Over the past 68 years, the United Nations, as the most universal, representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization, has made truely important and historic contributions to the world in maintaining peace and security, promoting economic growth, and protecting and promoting human rights. 
Today, we stand at a crossroad of history. The world is undergoing profound transition and transformation. Globalization accelerates. Multi-polarization is taking shape. New Technology emerges in an ever-faster speed. The world is confronting multiple crises too. The global economy is fragile. The environment is under threat. Too many people around the world are living in poverty and uncertainty, and etc.
No nation, no leader can solve them on its own. We must work together to avert depression of the economy. We must work together to prevent war and conflict. We must work together to eliminate poverty. We must put an end to inequality, insecurity and intolerance. The tasks are daunting, but we know our goals are achievable, if the international community acts, today and together. The UN, therefore, as the centerpiece of the global architecture, will play a bigger role and assume greater responsibilities in facing up to the challenges. 
China has always been a strong supporter of the UN and has actively participated in its work. Today, the UN has become a major stage for China’s multilateral diplomacy, and China will continue to play its role as a responsible power in efforts to build a more peaceful, prosperous and democratic world. In this context, there is a huge potential for China and the UN to work together towards a closer and stronger partnership and relationship. 
As the only national NGO in China dedicated to informing, inspiring and mobilizing the Chinese people, particularly the young people, to support the ideals and the work of the UN, the UNA-China, for decades, has worked to accomplish its mission through its network of members, research and advocacy efforts, education and training programs, and engagement and participation in the UN meetings and activities. Looking into the future, the UNA-China is ready to work more closely and actively with all players and stakeholders towards a safer, fairer, and more sustainable world.
With that, I would like to propose a toast,
To a stronger and closer relationship between China and the UN,
To a safer, fairer and better world,
To your good health.
Thank you. 
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